Welcome to the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board

Welcome to the Isle of Man Safeguarding Board

What is the Safeguarding Board?

The Isle of Man Safeguarding Board was established under the Safeguarding Board Act 2018. The Board is a Partnership of the relevant departments and agencies and its purpose is to ensure they work effectively together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect. The legislation places statutory duties on the relevant safeguarding bodies to co-operate and the Independent Chair of the Board has the key role to hold those agencies to account for improvements in safeguarding practice.

However this does not mean that safeguarding is solely the responsibility of the Safeguarding Board’s departments or agencies. Everybody in the Isle of Man community has a role to play; safeguarding is everybody’s business. All members of the community have a responsibility to actively contribute to ensure children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe.

The Board is a partnership of the relevant safeguarding agencies and does not deliver any operational safeguarding services.

Key Responsibilities

The key responsibilities and statutory functions of the Board are set out in the Safeguarding Board Act 2018 and is supported by Safeguarding Board Regulations 2019. Safeguarding Together 2019 is the guidance that sets out how the Act will be implemented in practice.

The links to the legislation, regulations, guidance and summaries of key sections can be found by clicking on the links to the right.  


The members of the Board are:

  • The Independent Chair, (off-island) appointed for three years;
  • Three independent (lay) members, appointed for 5 years;
  • The CEOs of 
    • Department of Education, Sports and Culture;
    • Department of Justice and Home Affairs;
    • Department of Health and Social Care;
  • The Chief Constable; and
  • The Director of Public Health; 

*Please note that the current membership of the Board is under review

Board Priorities

Our Current business priorities for 2021-2023 are:

  1. Ensuring an effective multi-agency safeguarding response for vulnerable adults;
  2. Working together to effectively safeguard vulnerable adolescents;
  3. Strong leadership and effective, well-functioning structures and subgroups that improve outcomes and have a measurable impact;
  4. A workforce equipped and fit for purpose to deliver effective safeguarding practice; and
  5. An effective communication and engagement strategy.